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Safe, Quick, and Painless PRP Treatment

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Everyone wants to have skin that is clear and immaculate! We have all, at some point in our lives, desired to have skin as glowing and luminous as our favorite star.

Benefits of PRP Treatment:

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What is PRP?
What is PRP for Skin? PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is plasma that contains higher levels of growth factors that help stimulate skin tissue. Growth factors produced in a laboratory source the healing, regenerating cells. Using this technique we can target fine lines and acne scars, the plumpness in lips, and the glow on your cheeks. The thing is, it’s all done by feel so there’s no pain involved.

PRP for skin Therapy begins with a collection of blood, placed in a centrifuge to separate the Platelet rich plasma from the other components of whole blood. Plasma is carefully injected into your face, the Platelet-released growth factor in deeper skin layers activate the process of skin rejuvenation. Once the skin renewal cycle has been completed, you will notice change in the skin appearance and make your skin looks younger.

That’s why natural, PRP for skin is a lot healthier. It works naturally to deliver ingredients right where your skin needs it most. You don’t need to worry about harmful dyes or suspicious chemicals in PRP for skin products.

PRP is injected into targeted areas of the skin and then forms an environment that helps in growing collagen, regenerates the tissues and makes your skin smooth and tight. PRP softens wrinkles and creates skin texture and tone that is smoother, younger and better.
How does PRP procedure work?

Body cells called platelets help the tissue mend and make new cells. Your own PRP is injected by dermatologists into certain skin-related locations. Following that, tissue regeneration and collagen production both rise. The skin becomes tight and smooth as a result. PRP smooths out wrinkles and produces skin that is smoother, clearer, and younger-looking in texture and tone.

How long does PRP last for skin?

Although every person is different, the majority of patients can take pleasure in their vibrant, young new look for up to six to twelve months following PRP injections. Patients frequently require 1 to 3 PRP treatments in order to get the best effects, which can take 3 to 4 weeks to manifest. Patients will see improvements in their face over the coming weeks and months as the body continues to make new collagen and the skin continues to rejuvenate.

Is PRP treatment risky?

A PRP injection is a low-risk procedure that rarely results in serious side effects. Because the procedure involves a blood draw, you should stay hydrated and eat beforehand to avoid feeling lightheaded. You may experience some soreness and bruising at the injection site following the procedure.

How do you inject a PRP injection?

PRP injections are made by centrifuging one to several tubes of your own blood to concentrate the platelets. These activated platelets are then injected directly into your injured or diseased body tissue.

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Safe, Quick, and Painless PRP Treatment

Take benefit of the limited-time offer. Schedule your appointment right away*

Everyone wants to have skin that is clear and immaculate! We have all, at some point in our lives, desired to have skin as glowing and luminous as our favorite star.

Benefits of PRP Treatment:

Open Hours:

What is PRP?

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is plasma that contains higher levels of growth factors that help stimulate skin tissue. Growth factors produced in a laboratory source the healing, regenerating cells. Using this technique we can target fine lines and acne scars, the plumpness in lips, and the glow on your cheeks. The thing is, it’s all done by feel so there’s no pain involved.

PRP for skin Therapy begins with a collection of blood, placed in a centrifuge to separate the Platelet rich plasma from the other components of whole blood. Plasma is carefully injected into your face, the Platelet-released growth factor in deeper skin layers activate the process of skin rejuvenation. Once the skin renewal cycle has been completed, you will notice change in the skin appearance and make your skin looks younger.

That’s why natural, PRP for skin is a lot healthier. It works naturally to deliver ingredients right where your skin needs it most. You don’t need to worry about harmful dyes or suspicious chemicals in PRP for skin products.

PRP is injected into targeted areas of the skin and then forms an environment that helps in growing collagen, regenerates the tissues and makes your skin smooth and tight. PRP softens wrinkles and creates skin texture and tone that is smoother, younger and better.
How does PRP procedure work?

Body cells called platelets help the tissue mend and make new cells. Your own PRP is injected by dermatologists into certain skin-related locations. Following that, tissue regeneration and collagen production both rise. The skin becomes tight and smooth as a result. PRP smooths out wrinkles and produces skin that is smoother, clearer, and younger-looking in texture and tone.

How long does PRP last for skin?

Although every person is different, the majority of patients can take pleasure in their vibrant, young new look for up to six to twelve months following PRP injections. Patients frequently require 1 to 3 PRP treatments in order to get the best effects, which can take 3 to 4 weeks to manifest. Patients will see improvements in their face over the coming weeks and months as the body continues to make new collagen and the skin continues to rejuvenate.

Is PRP treatment risky?

A PRP injection is a low-risk procedure that rarely results in serious side effects. Because the procedure involves a blood draw, you should stay hydrated and eat beforehand to avoid feeling lightheaded. You may experience some soreness and bruising at the injection site following the procedure.

How do you inject a PRP injection?

PRP injections are made by centrifuging one to several tubes of your own blood to concentrate the platelets. These activated platelets are then injected directly into your injured or diseased body tissue.

Reviews of our Quality Services

سجى السبيعي

تلقيت علاج PRP على وجهي وكان أفضل قرار اتخذته على الإطلاق. لدي بشرة حساسة حقًا وقد ساعدني هذا العلاج كثيرًا. بشرتي أكثر صفاءً ونعومةً وأكثر تناسقًا. لا أصدق أنني لم أفعل ذلك عاجلاً!

شادن العذار

تلقيت علاج PRP لبضعة أسابيع ولاحظت أن بشرتي كانت أكثر نعومة وإشراقًا. كان الجانب السلبي الوحيد هو الألم ، لكنني أقول إن الأمر يستحق ذلك. أوصي بعلاج SMMC PRP لأي شخص يبحث عن علاج مضاد للشيخوخة يجعل بشرته تبدو شابة مرة أخرى.

اسيا الخالدي

لقد كنت في علاج PRP لمدة شهرين حتى الآن وقد رأيت فرقًا كبيرًا في بشرتي. اختفت البقع البنية على بشرتي تمامًا. كما أن تجاعيدي أقل وضوحًا ولون بشرتي أفضل مما كانت عليه في أي وقت مضى. أنا سعيد جدًا بمدى مساعدتي لهذا الأمر!

اريج العوهلي

كنت متشككًا بشأن علاج PRP في البداية. كنت أقرأ جميع المقالات حول هذا الموضوع ، لكنني ما زلت غير مقتنع بأنه سيعمل معي. بعد أن أوصى أحد الأصدقاء بـ SMMC ، قررت أن أجربه. كان يستحق كل بنس وكانت النتائج مذهلة!

فاطمة بافيل

لقد استخدمت علاج PRP على وجهي وأعطاني مظهرًا جديدًا تمامًا. لم أشعر قط بهذا الصغر مرة أخرى! لقد اختفت خطوطي ، أوصي بشدة بهذا العلاج لأي شخص يبحث عن هذا التوهج الشبابي مرة أخرى!

About Dr. Sherif Mattar

SkinMed Medical Center in Abu Dhabi specializes in Skin and Body Care. We use a combination of cutting-edge skin science and extensive clinical expertise. Our Medical Services offered in a comfortable and elegant setting deliver a multi-disciplinary approach based on combined Cosmetic and clinical expertise with state-of-the-art technology. We believe that every client matters and therefore consistently strive for the highest standards, delivering quality treatments in a calm, welcoming, and professional environment.