"حول بشرتك مع تبييض الجسم في SMMC"

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اسم الخدمة- تبييض الجسم / التقشير الكيميائي


البقع الداكنة الصغيرة المزعجة وتغير لون البشرة يجعل لون بشرتك يبدو متفاوتًا. يؤدي التعرض لأشعة الشمس لفترة طويلة من الزمن إلى إتلاف أنسجة الجلد ويؤدي إلى طفح جلدي وحروق ودباغة والتي غالبًا ما تترك علامات وراءها. تسبب ندبات حب الشباب أيضًا بقعًا داكنة يصعب علاجها باستخدام العلاجات المنزلية فقط.

تساعد علاجات الجلد مثل التقشير الكيميائي على تجديد شباب الجلد والحصول على لون موحد. يقلل من ندبات حب الشباب ويزيل البقع الداكنة ويجعل البشرة ناعمة وخالية من العيوب. التقشير الكيميائي هو عملية يتم فيها وضع محلول نشط مثل حمض ألفا هيدروكسي على سطح الجلد مما يؤدي إلى تقشر الطبقة السطحية والطبقة المتوسطة.

يكشف العلاج عن طبقة جديدة من الجلد صحية وغير تالفة. التقشير الجلدي مناسب لمختلف المناطق بما في ذلك الوجه والرقبة واليدين وأجزاء أخرى أيضًا. غالبًا ما يستخدم التقشير الكيميائي لتقليل ظهور التجاعيد والخطوط الدقيقة والطيات وتحسين الملمس وعلاج اضطرابات الصباغ.

أنواع التقشير الكيميائي

يتم تعريف التقشير الكيميائي على نطاق واسع من خلال عمق تأثيره على الجلد أثناء العلاج. يتم تصنيفها على أنها سطحية (قشر وقت الغداء) ومتوسطة وعميقة.

  1. لا تتسبب التقشير السطحي في إتلاف الجلد الموجود أسفل البشرة ، وهي الطبقة السطحية من الجلد.
  2. قد يصل التقشير المتوسط إلى الطبقة السطحية من الأدمة ، وهي طبقة أعمق في الجلد.
  3. يصل التقشير العميق عادة إلى الطبقات العميقة من الأدمة.

يتضمن التقشير الكيميائي بشكل أساسي تطبيق مادة كيميائية على سطح الجلد بطريقة خاضعة للرقابة مما يؤدي إلى قدر محكم من موت الأنسجة. الآن ، يعتمد عمق الضرر الناجم عن التقشير الكيميائي على طبيعة المادة الكيميائية المستخدمة ، وطول الوقت الذي تفاعلت فيه مع الجلد ومدى عمق اختراقه للجلد.

تشمل محاليل التقشير الكيميائي الأكثر شيوعًا الرتينويدات (التريتينوين المذاب في البروبيلين جليكول) والفينول (حمض الكربوليك) وأحماض ألفا هيدروكسي (حمض اللاكتيك وحمض الجليكوليك) وأحماض بيتا هيدروكسي (حمض الساليسيليك).

بعد تقشير طبقة الجلد ، تتكون طبقة جديدة. هذه الطبقة الجديدة عبارة عن طبقة جلد نضرة وصحية وغير تالفة تنمو بواسطة الأدمة السطحية والطبقات العميقة من البشرة.

من الضروري أن تستشير ممارسًا طبيًا أو طبيب أمراض جلدية وتتحدث عن حساسية بشرتك وملمسها ونوعها وحساسيتها والأشياء المهمة الأخرى التي قد تؤثر على علاج التقشير الكيميائي.

يمكن لفريق أطباء الأمراض الجلدية لدينا مساعدتك في الحصول على العلاج المناسب للبشرة الذي يناسب نوع بشرتك ويعطي نتائج جيدة أيضًا. كما نقدم علاجات أخرى للبشرة مثل dermaroller و Volite و PRP وحقن مقاومة الشيخوخة وعلاج الفيلر أيضًا.



BODY WHITENING / CHEMICAL PEELING at SMMC (SkinMed Medical Center) offers a range of benefits for individuals seeking to improve the appearance and texture of their skin. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Skin Lightening and Brightening: Body whitening treatments and chemical peels can effectively lighten and brighten the skin. These treatments target areas of hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone, helping to achieve a more uniform complexion.
  • Reduction of Skin Discoloration: Whether caused by sun damage, hormonal changes, or other factors, skin discoloration can be effectively treated through body whitening and chemical peeling. These treatments help to fade dark patches and address pigmentation issues, leading to a more balanced and even skin tone.
  • Smoother and Softer Skin: Body whitening treatments and chemical peels can help improve the texture of the skin. They promote exfoliation and encourage the shedding of dead skin cells, revealing smoother and softer skin underneath. This can also help to reduce the appearance of roughness, blemishes, and acne scars.
  • Enhanced Skin Radiance: By stimulating collagen production and promoting cellular turnover, body whitening and chemical peeling treatments can enhance the overall radiance of the skin. They help to restore a youthful glow and improve skin luminosity, giving you a more vibrant and healthy appearance.
  • Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem: Achieving a more even and radiant skin tone can have a significant impact on one’s confidence and self-esteem. Body whitening and chemical peeling treatments can help individuals feel more comfortable and proud of their skin, leading to increased self-confidence in social and professional settings.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: At SMMC, our experienced professionals will assess your skin condition and customize the body whitening or chemical peeling treatment to address your specific concerns and goals. This ensures that you receive personalized care and targeted solutions for your unique skin needs.

Please note that individual results may vary, and it’s important to consult with a qualified professional at SMMC to determine the most suitable treatment option and expected outcomes based on your specific skin type and condition.

Open Hours:

  • Monday to Friday from 09:00 am to 08:00 pm  | Sunday from 09:00 am to 08:00 pm | Saturday is ClosedMesogold Stamp

SMMC offers a range of body whitening and chemical peeling treatments tailored to address different skin concerns. These may include options such as light chemical peels, medium chemical peels, or specific body whitening treatments. Each treatment is carefully selected based on the individual’s skin type and desired outcome.

The recovery period can vary depending on the type and intensity of the treatment. Lighter peels may require minimal downtime, while deeper peels may involve a longer recovery period. Your healthcare professional at SMMC will provide detailed instructions on post-treatment care and advise you on what to expect in terms of recovery time.

Body whitening and chemical peeling treatments can be beneficial for various skin types, but suitability may vary depending on individual factors. During a consultation at SMMC, your healthcare professional will evaluate your skin type and condition to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you. They will also discuss any potential risks or contraindications based on your specific skin characteristics.

The number of sessions required can vary depending on the individual’s skin condition and treatment goals. Some individuals may achieve desired results after a single session, while others may benefit from a series of treatments spaced out over a specific period. Your healthcare professional at SMMC will assess your skin and provide personalized recommendations regarding the optimal treatment plan for your desired outcomes.

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      Botox is a drug doctor have been using for years to treat wrinkles and facial creases. It is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used to temporarily improve the look of moderate to severe forehead lines, crow’s feet lines, and frown lines between the eyebrows in adults.

      SMMC offers Botox treatment services in Abu Dhabi, which involves the use of Botulinum toxin injections to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Botox injections work by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles and are commonly used to treat frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead wrinkles.

      The Botox treatment offered by SMMC is a safe and effective way to achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Our experienced medical professionals use only the highest quality products and techniques to ensure the best results for our clients. Botox treatment is a quick and simple procedure that can be performed in our clinic. It involves the injection of a small amount of Botulinum toxin into the targeted muscles, which blocks the nerve signals that cause muscle contractions. The result is a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

      At SMMC, we understand that every client is unique, and we offer customized Botox treatments to suit individual needs. Our goal is to provide our clients with natural-looking results that enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. If you’re interested in Botox treatment in Abu Dhabi, SMMC is a perfect choice. Our experienced team of medical professionals will guide you through the process and ensure that you achieve the best possible results. Contact us today to learn more about our Botox services.

      Benefits of BOTOX at SMMC

      Botox is a popular cosmetic treatment that offers several benefits to those seeking to enhance their appearance. Here are five benefits of Botox services provided by SMMC (name of the medical center).

      1. Wrinkle Reduction: Botox is well-known for its ability to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. By injecting Botox into targeted facial muscles, it temporarily relaxes them, reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles such as crow’s feet, forehead lines, and frown lines. This results in a smoother and more youthful-looking complexion.
      2. Non-Surgical Option: Botox is a non-surgical procedure, meaning it does not require any incisions or downtime. This makes it an attractive option for individuals seeking quick and convenient solutions to improve their facial aesthetics. Botox treatments can often be completed during a short office visit, allowing patients to resume their daily activities immediately afterward.
      3. Long-Lasting Results: While Botox is not a permanent solution, its effects can last for several months. Typically, the results of Botox treatments can be seen within a few days and can last anywhere from three to six months, depending on individual factors. This extended duration allows individuals to enjoy the benefits of a rejuvenated appearance for a significant period before considering additional treatments.
      4. Minimally Invasive and Safe: Botox injections are minimally invasive and generally considered safe when administered by qualified professionals like those at SMMC. The procedure involves using a fine needle to inject small amounts of the Botox solution into specific muscles. Adverse side effects are rare, and the treatment has been extensively studied and approved by regulatory authorities for cosmetic use.
      5. Versatility: Botox can address various aesthetic concerns beyond wrinkle reduction. It can be used to lift eyebrows, soften a gummy smile, reduce excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), and even alleviate certain types of migraines. This versatility allows individuals to target multiple areas of concern and achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation with a single treatment option.

      It’s important to note that the benefits of Botox may vary for each individual, and a consultation with a qualified medical professional at SMMC is essential to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on personal goals and expectations.

      Open Hours:

      • Monday to Friday from 09:00 am to 08:00 pm  | Sunday from 09:00 am to 08:00 pm | Saturday is ClosedMesogold Stamp

      Botox injection treatment is widely known for the use of Botulinum toxin made from Clostridium Botulinum – a species of bacteria that helps in temporarily relaxing facial muscles which underlie and cause wrinkles by blocking nerve activity in the muscles of the applied area. We provide exceptional quality best Botox treatments in Abu Dhabi that are carried out by experienced medical practitioners only to ensure 100% patient satisfaction.

      Botox treatment for face is usually used to improve or treat areas like:

      Frown lines between the eyebrows
      Crow’s-feet, the lines that fan out from the corners of the eyes
      Creases or furrows on your forehead
      Forehead furrows, the horizontal lines that form when you raise your eyebrows
      It is also used to soften the look of neck bands and helps in defining the jaw line
      Botox also helps in treating conditions like –

      Chronic Migraine in Adults (severe headache)
      Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
      Result of Botox Treatment:
      The result of Botox treatment can be noticed within 2-3 days after the application. However, the final result can only be seen after 2 weeks.

      A Botox treatment session at SMMC typically takes around 15 to 30 minutes. The actual duration may vary depending on the specific areas being treated and the individual’s unique needs.

      Most patients describe the sensation of Botox injections as minimal discomfort or a slight pinch. The needles used for Botox injections are very fine, and the procedure is generally well-tolerated. However, if desired, a topical anesthetic can be applied to the treatment area to further minimize any potential discomfort.

      The results of Botox treatments typically start becoming noticeable within a few days after the procedure. However, it may take up to two weeks for the full effects to become visible. It’s important to have realistic expectations and discuss the anticipated timeline with the medical professional at SMMC during the consultation.

      Botox injections are generally safe, and side effects are minimal and temporary. Some common, mild side effects may include slight redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site, but these typically resolve quickly on their own. Most patients can resume their regular activities immediately after the treatment, as there is no significant downtime associated with Botox injections.

      About Dr. Sherif Mattar

      SkinMed Medical Center in Abu Dhabi specializes in Skin and Body Care. We use a combination of cutting-edge skin science and extensive clinical expertise. Our Medical Services offered in a comfortable and elegant setting deliver a multi-disciplinary approach based on combined Cosmetic and clinical expertise with state-of-the-art technology. We believe that every client matters and therefore consistently strive for the highest standards, delivering quality treatments in a calm, welcoming, and professional environment.

      عروض SMMC عيد الأضحى